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A behavioral health, addiction and trauma treatment provider offering a full range of services including inpatient, and outpatient services.
A behavioral health, addiction and trauma treatment provider offering a full range of services including inpatient, and outpatient services.
Substance Use Disorder Day Treatment
A behavioral health, addiction and trauma treatment provider offering a full range of services including inpatient, and outpatient services.
A behavioral health, addiction and trauma treatment provider offering a full range of services including inpatient, and outpatient services.
Comprehensive Outpatient Substance Use Disorder Treatment
The RCC provides recovery coaching, detox and treatment placement assistance, and support groups.
The RCC provides recovery coaching, detox and treatment placement assistance, and support groups.
Alcohol Use Disorder Support Groups
Individual substance abuse treatment is available.
Individual substance abuse treatment is available.
Substance Use Disorder Counseling
Counseling for people in substance use recovery.
Counseling for people in substance use recovery.
Substance Use Disorder Counseling
Supportive recovery housing for people with addiction to drugs and alcohol via residential homes and multi-unit apartment buildings. Residents receive comprehensive case management, counseling, and supportive services.
Supportive recovery housing for people with addiction to drugs and alcohol via residential homes and multi-unit apartment buildings. Residents receive comprehensive case management, counseling, and supportive services.
Recovery Homes/Halfway Houses
Crittenton offers an evidence-based, State Certified, Intensive Outpatient Adolescent Substance Use Treatment Program, open to middle school and high school-aged young persons. The program utilizes the Hazelden Teen Matrix Model and Co-occurring Disorders Model of treatment, which address mental health as well as substance abuse issues.
Crittenton offers an evidence-based, State Certified, Intensive Outpatient Adolescent Substance Use Treatment Program, open to middle school and high school-aged young persons. The program utilizes the Hazelden Teen Matrix Model and Co-occurring Disorders Model of treatment, which address mental health as well as substance abuse issues.
Comprehensive Outpatient Substance Use Disorder Treatment
A substance abuse day treatment program is provided for individuals who abuse substances of any kind and/or for their families to help them better understand the nature of their physical and/or psychological dependency.
A substance abuse day treatment program is provided for individuals who abuse substances of any kind and/or for their families to help them better understand the nature of their physical and/or psychological dependency.
Substance Use Disorder Counseling
Residential Substance Use Disorder Treatment Facilities | ReDiscover - Co-Ed Substance Use Disorders
Programs for substance abuse treatment are housed in a residential treatment facility.
Programs for substance abuse treatment are housed in a residential treatment facility.
Residential Substance Use Disorder Treatment Facilities
Outpatient substance abuse treatment that provides counseling and group education for women with a substance abuse problem. Individuals also meet weekly with a substance abuse counselor; some transportation is available for clients.
Outpatient substance abuse treatment that provides counseling and group education for women with a substance abuse problem. Individuals also meet weekly with a substance abuse counselor; some transportation is available for clients.
Substance Use Disorder Counseling
Counseling for adults in substance use recovery.
Counseling for adults in substance use recovery.
Substance Use Disorder Counseling
Offers a 24 hour structured substance abuse program.
Offers a 24 hour structured substance abuse program.
Residential Substance Use Disorder Treatment Facilities
The Healing House Community Outreach Center provides recovery coaching, detox and treatment placement assistance, and support groups.
The Healing House Community Outreach Center provides recovery coaching, detox and treatment placement assistance, and support groups.
Alcohol Use Disorder Support Groups
The Coed Program can benefit individuals who occasionally abuse substances, or those who have been addicted to drugs or alcohol for many years. The program is also designed to help treat related issues that may accompany addiction including depression, anxiety, thought problems, trauma and many other mental and emotional problems.
The Coed Program can benefit individuals who occasionally abuse substances, or those who have been addicted to drugs or alcohol for many years. The program is also designed to help treat related issues that may accompany addiction including depression, anxiety, thought problems, trauma and many other mental and emotional problems.
Substance Use Disorder Counseling
Alcoholics Anonymous has meetings for those wishing to recover from alcohol abuse and dependency. The meetings are held at different scheduled locations and times.
Alcoholics Anonymous has meetings for those wishing to recover from alcohol abuse and dependency. The meetings are held at different scheduled locations and times.
Alcohol Use Disorder Support Groups
Provides outpatient substance abuse treatment that provides counseling and group education for women with a substance abuse problem. Individuals also meet weekly with a substance abuse counselor; some transportation is available for clients.
Provides outpatient substance abuse treatment that provides counseling and group education for women with a substance abuse problem. Individuals also meet weekly with a substance abuse counselor; some transportation is available for clients.
Substance Use Disorder Intervention Programs
Offer smoking cessation classes.
Offer smoking cessation classes.
Smoking/Vaping Cessation
Substance use treatment is offered in the form of early intervention, outpatient, and intensive outpatient services, including individual and group therapy.
Substance use treatment is offered in the form of early intervention, outpatient, and intensive outpatient services, including individual and group therapy.
Substance Use Disorder Day Treatment
24 hour inpatient medical detoxification at hospital for people in active withdrawal to help them become medically stable (usually a three-day stay) and begin the after-care process. After-care can include help with residential placement, outpatient services, transitional housing, and other services to assist with recovery.
24 hour inpatient medical detoxification at hospital for people in active withdrawal to help them become medically stable (usually a three-day stay) and begin the after-care process. After-care can include help with residential placement, outpatient services, transitional housing, and other services to assist with recovery.
Opioid Detoxification
First Call's 24/7 hotline provides resources and help for individuals and family members impacted by a loved ones substance use.
First Call's 24/7 hotline provides resources and help for individuals and family members impacted by a loved ones substance use.
Substance Use Disorder Hotlines
Provides information and moral support to individuals who are chemically dependent and wish to be free from drug usage. This is a 12 step program.
Provides information and moral support to individuals who are chemically dependent and wish to be free from drug usage. This is a 12 step program.
Drug Use Disorder Support Groups
KC CARE provides smoking cessation resources.
KC CARE provides smoking cessation resources.
Smoking/Vaping Cessation
Clinic provides substance abuse counseling for individuals and in a group setting.
Clinic provides substance abuse counseling for individuals and in a group setting.
Substance Use Disorder Counseling
Dia Por Dia Outpatient Substance Abuse Treatment Program serving men and women facing addiction.
Dia Por Dia Outpatient Substance Abuse Treatment Program serving men and women facing addiction.
Substance Use Disorder Day Treatment
Outpatient program for treatment of alcohol and drug abuse
Outpatient program for treatment of alcohol and drug abuse
Substance Use Disorder Day Treatment