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KWC hosts a MOCSA support group for sexual assault survivors.
National Domestic Violence Hotline provides 24-hour support through advocacy, safety planning, resources and hope to everyone affected by domestic violence.


Domestic Violence Hotlines
Shelter for women and children.


Domestic Violence Shelters
Offers support groups for survivors of domestic violence
Emergency shelter for adults and their children and pets fleeing domestic violence. Adults and children residing in the emergency shelter are offered legal advocacy, therapy, support groups, employment advocacy and other support services.


Domestic Violence Shelters
Answered 24-hours a day, 7 days a week, hotline operators assist callers with resources, referrals, and accessing agency services. All calls are confidential. Callers may remain anonymous.


Sexual Assault Hotlines
Hotline for youth who experiencing violence in their home.
Emergency shelter for people experiencing domestic violence.


Domestic Violence Shelters
A domestic violence shelter to provide refuge for women and their children who have experienced physical, emotional, and/or sexual abuse. Provides advocacy, crisis intervention and support services.


Domestic Violence Shelters
Therapists provide individual, family, and group therapy to adult and child survivors of domestic violence. Following best practices, therapy services are not offered to or with the abusive individual.


Spouse/Intimate Partner Abuse Counseling
Hotline for victims of domestic violence and anyone else who needs support or referrals in regards to domestic violence.


Domestic Violence Hotlines
Offers support groups for survivors of domestic violence.


Domestic Violence Support Groups
24/7 hotline provides assistance with safety planning and accessing community resources; information on legal options for safety; connection to Rose Brooks Center advocacy, counseling, and support groups; and confidential emotional support.


Domestic Violence Hotlines
JVS Social Work provides at-risk youth and adults with advocacy, community resource referral, and individual and group therapy. These efforts are focused towards underserved refugee and immigrant populations. Social Work staff interacts with a diverse client population to establish a trusting relationship and to identify their needs and goals. The Social Work Program utilizes a staff of licensed Masters level social workers, as well as undergraduate and graduate social work students.
House of Hope provides a shelter for women, men and children that are victims of domestic violence and/or sexual assault


Sexual Assault Shelters
Free support groups for all survivors of domestic violence.


Domestic Violence Support Groups
Therapy is offered to adult survivors of sexual violence and their significant others.
The Nuevo Dia (New Day) is a bilingual domestic violence treatment program for survivors that offers therapy, advocacy, and help accessing legal services.
Provide information and referral to victims of domestic violence, including shelter bed information, and safety planning.
LAWMO provides free civil legal representation and counsel for matters such as family law and domestic violence protection (i.e. protective orders).
The Children of the Night home is open to child prostitutes throughout the United States. We provide free taxi/airline transportation nationwide for America's child prostitutes who wish to escape prostitution and live in our home. The home features an on-site school and college placement program. After youngsters complete our rigorous and comprehensive program of academic and life-skills education, caseworkers are available to provide ongoing case management to hundreds of graduates.
Pet shelter for animals whose owners are in a domestic violence situation.


Foster Care/Temporary Shelter for Animals
Military sexual trauma counseling and referral
Domestic violence shelter.


Domestic Violence Shelters
Provide shelter, therapy, case management, court advocacy, child care to survivors of violence and their children.


Domestic Violence Hotlines

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