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Electric assistance and utility deposit.


Electric Service Payment Assistance
This program provides utility assistance for people residing in Kansas who are in need of winter heating assistance.This program is designed to assist families who are at the 200% poverty guideline with a one time grant of $300 toward their primary heating utility bill for the winter season. This one time grant payment is made directly to the utility company for those clients who qualify fo rthe program.


Electric Service Payment Assistance
Can assist with KC Water utility bill. Can help with up to $500 per year.
Hope Network may be able to provide up to $200 emergency assistance with electric bills.
Emergency assistance for water bills.
Offers zero interest loans for utility payment. Loan repayment is tailored to the individual's situation and is discussed at the time of bill payment.
Water bill assistance when funding is available.
Provides emergency assistance services for water when funds are available.
Gas payment assistance.
The Low Income Energy Assistance Program (LIEAP) is a winter heating assistance program that helps eligible households pay a portion of their home energy costs one time per year.
Northland Assistance Center offers emergency water bill assistance. Must be paid down to the last $200. Also has access to the Kansas City Water Fund which can help KC Water customers up to $500.


Water Service Payment Assistance
Propane or other heating fuel assistance
Water & sewer bill assistance up to $75 as funding allows


Water Service Payment Assistance
Lifeline Telephone support provides monthly assistance to eligible households on their monthly telephone bill. Assistance can go to either a home phone or wireless bill. In order to get Lifeline assistance, individuals must apply through their telephone company. Only one discount allowed per household.


Telephone Service Payment Assistance
Love Inc. offers emergency assistance for electric.
Gas assistance and utility deposit.


Gas Service Payment Assistance
CSL helps with water bills when funding is available.
The Higginsville Ministerial Alliance provides water assistance.


Water Service Payment Assistance
Open to any Kansas resident, must be applying for assistane for primary heating utility, must meet 200% poverty guideline and be able to provide state/federal photo id, proof of income and copy of utility bill.


Gas Service Payment Assistance
Northland Assistance Center provides emergency electric bill assistance. Must be paid down to $200.


Electric Service Payment Assistance
Offers gas service payment assistance.
Utility assistance program helps with gas, electric, or water.

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