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MRC provides public health services structured around the social determinants of health.
Provides case management, employment assistance, and educational workshops to refugees, asylees, special immigrant visa holders and certified victims of human trafficking who have been in the US for less than five years.
The Northeast branch library provides ESL classes for the community.
English Language Learner classes. Students enrolled in ELL program are eligible to attend six, one-hour citizenship classes to help prepare for the citizenship interview.
Specializes in teaching English as a Learned Language to children ages 2-5.
English Language Learning classes (ELL) help students learn to communicate fluently and effectively in English.
ESL classes available through Immigrant Connection, Inc.
KCKCC offers classes to enable adults with little or no knowledge of English to improve their speaking, listening, reading, and writing skills in English. Classes focus on life skills, employability and technology.
ESL classes are available
Paola School District offers English as a Second Language classes.
Provides Adult English as a Second Language classes.
ESL classes offered

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