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Community meal is provided for anyone and is served "restaurant style."
Community meal is provided for anyone and is served "restaurant style."
Breakfast and lunch are available at the day center. Lunch is served at 11:30am.
Breakfast and lunch are available at the day center. Lunch is served at 11:30am.
Soup Kitchens
Summer feeding program for children operated by the Kansas City, KS School District.
Summer feeding program for children operated by the Kansas City, KS School District.
A Turning Point offers a community meal for the public.
A Turning Point offers a community meal for the public.
Soup Kitchens
Grab & Go Food Breakfast: Sa 9:30am-11:00pm
Grab & Go Food Breakfast: Sa 9:30am-11:00pm
Soup Kitchens
Hot meal for all. Participants are welcome to stay for worship after the meal.
Hot meal for all. Participants are welcome to stay for worship after the meal.
A summer feeding program for children aged 1-18.
A summer feeding program for children aged 1-18.
Trinity United Methodist Church provides a hot meal to anyone in need in the community.
Trinity United Methodist Church provides a hot meal to anyone in need in the community.
Soup Kitchens
This drop in center provides a light breakfast and lunch for women and children.
This drop in center provides a light breakfast and lunch for women and children.
Soup Kitchens
Provides Breakfast
Provides Breakfast
As a sponsoring agency for the Child and Adult Care Food Program, The Family Conservancy provides aid to family child care homes for the provision of nutritious foods that contribute to the wellness, healthy growth, and development of young children. Participants receive funds to purchase healthy food, nutrition and meal planning information and access to KidKare child care management software.
As a sponsoring agency for the Child and Adult Care Food Program, The Family Conservancy provides aid to family child care homes for the provision of nutritious foods that contribute to the wellness, healthy growth, and development of young children. Participants receive funds to purchase healthy food, nutrition and meal planning information and access to KidKare child care management software.
Child and Adult Care Food Programs
Provides hot lunches to the community
Provides hot lunches to the community
Coldwater provides a hot lunch program on their Friends Day.
Coldwater provides a hot lunch program on their Friends Day.
Soup Kitchens
Weekly hot meal is served.
Weekly hot meal is served.
Center of Grace serves a freshly prepared sit-down meal to community members.
Center of Grace serves a freshly prepared sit-down meal to community members.
Soup Kitchens
Free hot meal.
Free hot meal.
Soup Kitchens
Grace United serves community meals. There are hamburgers and hotdogs in the summer and chili in the winter.
Grace United serves community meals. There are hamburgers and hotdogs in the summer and chili in the winter.
Soup Kitchens
Leavenworth Interfaith Community of Hope's Day Shelter provides breakfast and lunch for those who need it.
Leavenworth Interfaith Community of Hope's Day Shelter provides breakfast and lunch for those who need it.
Soup Kitchens
Summer feeding program for children operated by the Kansas City, KS School District.
Summer feeding program for children operated by the Kansas City, KS School District.
Summer Food Service Programs
Open Door Kitchen provides a warm meal which can be eaten at the kitchen or taken to go.
Open Door Kitchen provides a warm meal which can be eaten at the kitchen or taken to go.
Soup Kitchens
Summer feeding program for children operated by the Kansas City, KS School District.
Summer feeding program for children operated by the Kansas City, KS School District.
Summer Food Service Programs
Free hot lunch for anyone in need.
Free hot lunch for anyone in need.
Picnic in the Park provides a weekly meal on Sunday afternoons (3:30pm-4:30pm) at Mill Creek Park by the fountain to provide food when many agencies/kitchens don't serve.
Picnic in the Park provides a weekly meal on Sunday afternoons (3:30pm-4:30pm) at Mill Creek Park by the fountain to provide food when many agencies/kitchens don't serve.
Free meal daily at the Willa Gill Center
Free meal daily at the Willa Gill Center
Soup Kitchens
Provides breakfast and lunch.
Provides breakfast and lunch.